We need you!
We need your help to make ANVG as influential as possible within the gaming industry .
The way you can really help us is to sign up to our quarterly news letter and in doing so we promise we won’t sell or pass on your email details to anyone. We also won’t deluge you with meaningless spam emails.
Signing up shows you support a push greater neurodiversity acceptance within the gaming world .
If your an individual there is no cost to becoming a member of ANVG and sharing in all our neurodivrse gaming goodness!
We’d love you to like/share/follow us on Facebook and Twitter if social media is your thing and sharing our posts will really help us spread the message that everyone deserves to be represented in gaming regardless of their “labels” .
If you are a games developer, studio or work in the gaming industry and would like to support our work or get help and advice we would love to have a conversation with you about helping your company become a partner in our work and supporting you with our expert knowledge to help you produce the best product for the widest possible audience.
Becoming a partner with ANVG can offer your company the opportunity to show publicly your commitment to neurodiversity , inclusion and diversity as well as showing you are are at the forefront of social responsibility by allowing your company to tap into a panel of “Experts by experience “ who will help you shape you neurodiversity policies and procedures.